Thursday, April 7, 2011


It's not that I've forgotten to write my blog, it's just I'm afraid of it sometimes. Yes, you heard it, AFRAID. And honestly there's not much I'm afraid of, but for some reason I'm afraid that I won't get it right. The punctuation and grammar for one, which is not my forte', but will I reach you, the audience. Will I get across the feelings and thoughts I have inside? Will you care?

I guess to blog, I'll have to let that part of me that's a perfectionist go, or is that the perfectionist side of me? That's what I'm talking about! What is correct grammatically, which is grammatically correct, or does it matter? I guess what does matter, is to try, to put the effort in. For all of us, whether at school, on the basketball court, at work, in life, it's putting in the effort, taking a chance.

So blog, I will, about life, love and basketball. And you, my readers, may love or...(dare I say the opposing opinion) my ramblings but if they make you ponder, laugh or cry, then letting go of the fear and sharing is worth it, imperfections and all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Putting our writing out there can make us so vulnerable. I applaud you. And did it. You let go of perfectionism and wrote a blog that was....well, perfect. Keep writing to us!!